MovingYou may ask yourself, “Is moving bad for children?” When you feel the need to move, or if it is a necessity because of work, family, or other obligations. Moving with children can be stressful, no matter how far the move is. Moving with kids, whether they are toddlers or teenagers, can be stressful for the entire family.

Don’t worry, though! Moving can be stressful, but there are ways to reduce the stress. Here are some tips to help you and your family make the move into your new house as smooth as possible.

Timeline for Moving: What to do before moving?

These tips from moving experts will help you and your kids to be on the same page when it comes to the big move. They should make the big move easier for all members of the family.

Eight weeks before moving

Speak to your children. Talk to your kids about the move. Include your children early in the discussion to help them prepare and put them at ease. Don’t rush to answer questions and be patient.

Children’s books about moving are available. Try reading children’s stories about moving to your young children. There are many options available online or at your local library or bookstore.

Before you hit the road, make a bucket list for your family. List everything you want to accomplish before leaving your city or town. This will not only be fun for your entire family but can also give your children closure before moving. You can throw a party with your child’s closest friends or take them to your favorite trail.

Start by researching schools in your new community. Start researching schools in the new area if you have children of school age. Parents have many options for schools when they move to a new area.

Six weeks prior to the move

Find out what activities are available for families in your new area. There are many ways that kids can get involved in the new community. From summer camps to sports teams, social clubs, and outdoor attractions to summer camps to social clubs. Encourage your children to do their own research and read guidebooks about the new area.

Notify your current school. Notify school officials about your move to your new home. As soon as you can, transfer all your records to the new school. Make sure you let the new school know about any special needs or requirements that your child might have.

Three to four weeks prior to the move

Visit the new school. Try to visit the new school of your child if you’re moving close by. You can schedule a school tour and a meeting with the principal and teachers. Are you worried about your child’s anxiety over changing schools? Consider bringing your child along on the school tour. They’ll be more at ease when the new school year or semester begins.

Host a goodbye party. It is difficult for everyone, especially children, to say goodbye to their community. Host a goodbye party to make it easier on them. It will allow them to say goodbye to their family, friends, classmates, and neighbors.

Plan childcare for the day of your move. Moving with small children or babies? Arrange for a babysitter at the beginning and end of your move or during the unloading and loading. Don’t hesitate to hire or ask for additional help when you are settling in.

Transfer medical records. Inform your child’s medical providers of the move by contacting their offices. Request referrals from the child’s current doctor. After you have made your final choices, make sure to transfer all medical records to the correct physicians. While you’re scheduling, make sure to schedule any new appointments with your dentist and doctor.

The day before moving

Pack your essential bag. You’ll also need to pack essential bags for your children the day before you move. Remember, each family member needs their own bag. Pack your child or baby’s bag with wipes and diapers. Also include clothing, first aid kits, medications, and their favorite toys.

Keep calm. Children (and babies) are sensitive to their parent’s emotions, especially when they are stressed or anxious. Keep calm and collected when packing, unpacking, and moving in general.

MovingMoving Day: What to do?

Keep your children in check. You couldn’t find a sitter? You don’t have childcare for the day of your move? You’ll then need to confine your children. Consider a Pack ‘n Play for toddlers. Another solution is to use baby gates to separate a child-proofed area of your home. Make sure that your children are kept safe and the movers will be too.

Plan moving-day events. Have a few moving-day activities available to keep your kids occupied and distracted. You could have card games, iPad games, and books to read, as well as coloring books.

How to settle in after a move

Here are some simple tips to help your child adjust to their new surroundings:

Give your children a tour of the house. Give your children a tour of the house or apartment they are moving into and let them explore it on their own. Be sure to highlight unique and fun features such as hidden stairwells or doors, trees in the backyard that are perfect for climbing, etc.

Unpack your child’s bedroom first. It will help them to feel more at home if they have their favorite books, their favorite toys and their old bed in their designated room. This will create a safe, calm space for your child in a time of chaos.

Allow your children to choose the paint and/or decor color. Let your children choose the color of the paint and how to set up their room if they are old enough and it is appropriate for your situation.

Maintain their routine. Consistency is important. It is especially important that parents of babies and toddlers maintain their routines. meals, playtimes, nap times, activities, etc. as consistent and as normal as you can. You will feel more secure, and your children will be happier.

Create a backyard playground. Set up outdoor activities such as swing sets, trampolines, and ziplines for your children. Keep them occupied and entertained to give you the space to unpack your house.

Meet your neighbors. Ask your neighbors if they know of any children in the area who are the same age. When your children have playmates in their new surroundings, they will feel less lonely.

What Your kids can do to help your family move

You can keep your kids entertained and occupied by giving them some moving-related tasks. It’s possible that they will enjoy the added purpose of moving. Start with the suggestions below.

Let them have a say in the house-hunting process. Allow your children to voice their opinions on where you will be living. Show them the listings and take them for viewing. This will help to keep the situation positive and show your children that you value their opinion.

Let your kids help you declutter. The less stuff you have, the fewer things you will need to move to your new house. This is as easy as it gets! Include your children in the sorting process. Tossing or donating anything they don’t use or play with can be done in two piles. Throw out anything that is broken, stained, worn, or old. Teach your children the importance of giving to their community. Let them select which items they want to donate. Double-check the two piles to make sure that nothing is missing.

Ask your kids to help you clean and pack. Ask your children to pack their own essentials. Give them a list if you’re not sure of what to include. Also, they can clean the refrigerator, wipe surfaces, and vacuum. Please be careful to avoid using any hazardous chemicals when cleaning. Even though you’ll need to supervise and inspect some parts of the cleaning process, your children can finish at least a portion of it.

Let your children unpack their own room. Your kids can unpack books, toys, clothing, and shoes. Children can begin setting up their rooms by unpacking, setting up their bathrooms, making their beds, and filling their closets with books.

Call Coastal Furniture Delivery & Moving now and let our team make sure that you have a memorable and stress-free moving experience.

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Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

Coastal Furniture Delivery & Moving
4201 Carolina Exchange Drive Suite 202
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

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