What Are The Best Tips For Moving With Children?

MovingYou may ask yourself, “Is moving bad for children?” When you feel the need to move, or if it is a necessity because of work, family, or other obligations. Moving with children can be stressful, no matter how far the move is. Moving with kids, whether they are toddlers or teenagers, can be stressful for the entire family.

Don’t worry, though! Moving can be stressful, but there are ways to reduce the stress. Here are some tips to help you and your family make the move into your new house as smooth as possible.

Timeline for Moving: What to do before moving?

These tips from moving experts will help you and your kids to be on the same page when it comes to the big move. They should make the big move easier for all members of the family.

Eight weeks before moving

Speak to your children. Talk to your kids about the move. Include your children early in the discussion to help them prepare and put them at ease. Don’t rush to answer questions and be patient.

Children’s books about moving are available. Try reading children’s stories about moving to your young children. There are many options available online or at your local library or bookstore.

Read More What Are The Best Tips For Moving With Children?

Moving Tips: How Many Boxes Do You Need?

moving How many boxes will I need to move? This age-old question is not rocket science but it’s also not the easiest to calculate. If you’re buying packing supplies, don’t waste money by purchasing too many moving boxes. If you are collecting boxes to move, (bonus points if they’re recycled!) then do so. You don’t have to make the search for boxes competitive.

How can you determine the exact amount to spend on a successful move? We’ve got you covered.

How many boxes you need will be based on your home’s size

This is an estimate of how many boxes you’ll need to move based on the size and shape of your home. Read More Moving Tips: How Many Boxes Do You Need?

Packing and Moving Tips To Protect Fragile Items

movingMoving can be stressful enough, without having to worry about whether your belongings will arrive in perfect condition at your new home. Packing fragile items like dishes, glasses, and electrical appliances is a must when moving.

Packing and Moving Tips For Fragile Items,  Reducing the Risk of Accidents

List of Fragile Items

By knowing which items are most likely to be damaged, you can give them extra care.

  • Drinking glasses. Wine glasses, pint glasses, and mugs can all break in moving chaos.
  • Plates: If you are not careful, plates and other delicate glassware may chip and break.

Read More Packing and Moving Tips To Protect Fragile Items